You should be receiving your flyers and forms with information regarding the 2008 festivities. Wristbands ($4) are required for the event so please make sure you purchase them from your Street Captains by June 29. To get a more accurate count of participants this year, we are asking you to fill out a form when you give your wristband money to your Street Captain. The form includes your food choice and a chance to let the Fourth of July Committee know if you're able to help out with the event. You can download the flyer or the form below.
Neighbors and friends are welcome! If you need more forms or flyers for your friends, download them by clicking on the icons below or call Meredith at 216-544-5664.
One thing we forgot to remind you on the flyer is that everyone is encouraged to
participate in the Parade. Kids, decorate your bikes in patriotic colors. Grown-ups, decorate your dogs (or selves!) and march along. Prizes will be awarded to the best parade participants. You can see some of last year's parade pictures by clicking on the
We are very excited this year to have the Glenville SDA Pathfinders Drum Corp. Group “Superstars" performing in the parade. Please come out to support them. The Salvation Army Marching band will be again performing this year, and there will be a late afternoon concert in the Lake Front Park by Shore Acre's resident Dan Bode's fantastic band. And of course, Dave Mitchell's seriously delicious BBQ skills will be at work, along with games and fun for all ages.

See you there!