Does this look familiar? Hopefully one was delivered to your door this summer, or you picked one up somewhere in the neighborhood... the library, Arts Collinwood, the Beachland. It was a summer fridge calendar that told you all the cool stuff going on in North Collinwood. Want to be part of it this year? The group of community residents that put the piece together received a grant from the Cleveland Foundation to do it again for 2008, and will be holding a planning meeting Monday, Feb. 4, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at
St. John Nottingham Lutheran Church (17403 Nottingham Road. At the meeting you can . . .
- learn about the 2007 Summer Guide process and final project.
– discuss funding (including support from the Cleveland Foundation for the 2008 edition!).
– brainstorm ways to make the 2008 an even better reflection of our whole community, and how to grow in features and outreach.
The Summer Guide team needs your help and wants your input!
For more information about the project (and to view the '07 edition online) visit
www.artscollinwood.org/summerEmail: summer @artscollinwood.org
Phone: 216-692-9500